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Vision Statement


Our Mission

We, the members of the Sounds of Praise Pentecostal Fellowship Ministries, Inc., are a family of fellowship churches nurtured and sustained by the unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ and by the Holy ordinances of the Canon.

We are reaching out to others with our lives and our talents; stewardship, fellowship and followship are the hallmark of our every effort to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ all across the land and into the world (Matthew 28:19).

To this end, this family, the Sounds of Praise is called to strive in each ministry with the spirit of excellence and to help one another in love to reach their full God-given Christian potential.

Our Vision

The Sounds of Praise Pentecostal Fellowship Ministries, Inc. is striving for excellence in the body of Christ.

We are actively pursuing the lifestyle of holy living dedicated to praise and worship.

Through the Word of God, we are making disciples across the globe. It is our endeavor to equip, empower and prepare the saints to be perfected (mature), work the ministry and edify the body of Christ.

We are reaching out with our lives, both temporally and spiritually, to win the lost. It is our utmost desire to unite the body of Christ along cultural, racial and socio-economic, educational and denominational barriers.

Through the power of the Holy Ghost, we will help bring the world to a life-changing knowledge of Jesus Christ.

©2021 New Direction Sounds of Praise Pentecostal Fellowship Ministries

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